Pimple on the dimple
A blob it is
On one of the cheeks
Sits on its own
A mash of pink and brown
It did a silent entry
Plonked itself quietly
Away from the discerning eye
And then she broke into a cry
“Oh, it’s a pimple!”
“Yes, it’s on your dimple”
“But am not a teen anymore …”
Oh, come on .. urged Partner.
And then ensued a mad scramble
For hacks and balms and skin potions
Memories of past and present invoked
To shoo the blob away.
But it was cheeky,
It was stubborn
Much like to its mistress born
And refused to go,die
Mater was invoked
Wisdom was sought
Hectic parleys followed
But to a naught.
A fortnight now
It does a peep-and-show
In no seeming hurry
To call it a day
And let the dimple(s) rule
They also serve,
Who spoil a smile.