Rebooting. 2023
It’s been a while. The cliches have done their bit. So has the whisky. And the wine. And the occasional welled up tears. And the rhyme and rant of unsent messages.
Loss has run its course. So has grief.
It’s back to life. It’s back to living. It’s back to being mostly loved – at least one lives in hope in such times as ours.
And laughing … you know that hearty, throaty one, where one cracked note chimed into a peal, eventually. The one you so enjoyed.
But then it’s been a while since you been around.
The kindness of random strangers and forgotten friends has anchored through/past. As has food and fiction and fables
As has forgotten memories.
And then you tell yourself that there are some things you want to remember. And some you craft to forget. Because often life is better lived in memories than anything else.