Do the tube-roses remember my love?
There are things that should have happened between us. There are things that shouldn’t have.
There are truths that should have been told. There are lies that should have been upheld.
There are fake smiles that should have stayed put. There are genuine creases that should have become grooves.
There are fears that we should have told each other. There are strengths that we should have drawn resilience from.
There are moments of fortitude that should have made us proud.
Instead. They. Did. Not.
We. Ran. In. Different. Directions.
Glow-worms guided us.
Away from each other.
Where did we go wrong, he asked?
She has no clue, looks on.
In her universe, she is still the flower-girl as a young, strapping lad chases her around with a tube-rose garland at his brother’s wedding.